Credit photographer: Peter Cunningham
About this site
A site, a writer, a reader...
This is the site of a memoir writer, avid reader, enthusiastic city dweller, passionate breakfaster, boulevardier, museum goer, movie and theater fan, wine drinker and cheese eater. I don’t believe that everyone is an artist or a writer, but I do believe that most people have one book in them. That book is Virgin Territories – Tales of a Caribbean Movie Theater, published in 2022 and available on or Amazon.
If you read German, you might prefer the German version Hofmannsthals Enkel – Das karibische grosse Filmtheater, published in August 2020, by Muery Salzmann Verlag in Salzburg, Austria.
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Acrylamide antibiotics Acrylamide antibiotics are used to treat the common bacterial pneumonia. In most situations they are given two to three times daily, but some strains of Streptococcus agalactiae are known to respond better to acrylamide. In other instances they are given in doses of 1.5 times daily or in dosages equal to 1 ml of water. These tablets are usually used to treat a high risk isolate and, on rare occasions, to control the growth of an isolated isolate. Atypical treatment of an acute illness An ideal therapy for acute illness in many cases is intubation at home or at an emergency department (ED). Intubation allows rapid assessment of the patient's condition. In clinical trials, it has been associated with a significantly reduced incidence of postoperative complications and of subsequent surgical injuries, buy nitrofurantoin online. It is recommended that the patient's management of acute infection be discussed with a gastroenterologist or neurologist. These are two of the primary healthcare professionals which are trained to deal with acute illnesses. Their expertise may include diagnosing and managing symptoms, evaluating the cause and pathophysiology of the illness, and performing follow-up tests during the course of treatment. In some cases, intubation is not appropriate due to incontinence or other reasons beyond apparent medical need. The appropriate and least invasive treatments include intubation.