Around the book...

“Vera Graaf’s tale of her and husband Michael’s days of running a movie theater on the island of Virgin Gorda in the British Virgin Islands stands right up there with the classic Caribbean tale DON’T STOP THE CARNIVAL by Herman Wouk. But Vera’s story is fact, not fiction, filled with stories of life in the islands before cell phones, SAT TV and the internet. It was a different place, and this book is a must read for those who want to know what is was like in those days.” – Jimmy Buffett
“VIRGIN TERRITORIES delivers us into an entire world we’d never otherwise know, or even dream up – who could imagine lugging seats from a Miami porn theatre to a remote island in the Caribbean, on a mission to bring movies to people who have never been to the movies? Graaf’s account is funny, surprising and touching – for the islanders we meet, for the innocent 70s optimism, for the reminder of an infinitely freer, less fraught world, and the once-solid currency of beauty and youth.” – Isabel Fonseca
“A good story, told with grace and wit. Just like a tight-rope walker, the author manages to hold the balance between humor and melancholy.” – Hans Magnus Enzensberger
“This is one of those books that you breeze through and when you get to the last page you really wish you could just live in the world the writer has transported you in, forever. So much humor, wit and charm, the writing is colorful, the story is exhilarating and you’re along for the ride all the way through. Loved it!” – Elle Pea
“Vera Graaf describes with a lot of empathy, humor and sharp observation how, in the 1970s, two young idealistic cinema buffs manage to bring the gift of cinema to a Caribbean island torn between belief in ghosts and in Jesus Christ.”
–Barbara SukowaBuy Amoxil
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Vera Graaf talks about her book Hofmannsthals Enkel.
(ORF-Austrian Radio), July 24, 2020
Vera Graaf talks about her book and her lifewith the grandson of Hugo von Hofmannsthal
Vera graaf - Amerikanistin und Journalistin
Audio Interview on "Im Gespräch"
Muery Salzmann Verlag in Salzburg Austria.